Newsletters, annual reports, and educational materials.

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Newsletter - Fall 2018

In this issue of Liberty, our bi-annual newsletter, read about the ACLU of North Carolina's Campaign for Smart Justice, our first-ever staff member and organizer in Charlotte, our latest legal challenges, and more.

December 10, 2018

Blueprint for Smart Justice North Carolina

The Smart Justice 50-State Blueprints is the first-ever analysis of its kind and will serve as a tool for activists, advocates, and policymakers to push for transformational change to the criminal justice system.

September 5, 2018

2017-2018 Legislative Report Card

The North Carolina General Assembly debated a wide range of bills affecting our civil rights and civil liberties during the 2017-18 session, including equality for LGBTQ people, voting rights, privacy rights, immigrants’ rights, and juvenile justice reform.

August 31, 2018

Newsletter - Spring 2018

In this issue of Liberty, our bi-annual newsletter, read about the ACLU of North Carolina's Campaign for Smart Justice, the injustice of cash bail, our legal defense of North Carolina farmworkers, and our upcoming board elections.

April 20, 2018

Newsletter - Fall 2017

In this issue of Liberty, our bi-annual newsletter, read about the ACLU of North Carolina's work during the 2017 legislative session, and get updates on legal cases involving LGBTQ equality, religious liberty, voting rights, and more.

September 6, 2017